
We are certified according to the ZNU standard for sustainable management
What we have already achieved


We were able to reduce the gas consumption of our ovens by 3% in 2022 and by a further 1.4% per product sold in 2023, thereby reducing CO₂ emissions.
What we have already achieved

Saving on packaging material

The proportion of virgin fiber in the outer packaging was reduced to 0 kg.
What we have already achieved

Switch to sustainable packaging

We have already converted 13 products to recyclable packaging. These bear the Interzero "Made for Recycling" logo.

selected goals of our sustainability strategy



Social issues/society


We have confirmed the certificate 2024

To the certificate

Our path to sustainability certification

Certified organic quality has been a matter of course for Schnitzer since 1992, when European organic legislation was introduced.

Organic raw materials have been at the heart of the company's activities since it was founded.

This is also the case with the current topic of our time. Long before the topic of sustainability was discussed in public, we were already acting accordingly as a family-owned company.
The careful use of resources, partnership-based cooperation with suppliers and customers, the creation of a family-friendly working environment and regional commitment are particularly important to us.

Certification process

ZNU Standard Sustainable Management

Our contribution to the SDGs

Die drei Handlungsfelder

For the environment/ecology

Reduction of packaging materials

Additional focus: saving on secondary packaging

Recyclable packaging since 2023

Reduction and avoidance of emissions as a central component of climate protection

Drei nachhaltige Schritte für unsere "Bio Pizza Base" in 2024

FÜR die Wirtschaft/Ökonomie

Produktion am Standort offenburg

Beschaffung der Rohstoffe

Herkunft der Rohstoffe

Für die Gesellschaft/Soziales


Unser Beitrag zu den SDG

Wir lieben unsere Produkte genau so wie sie sind!

Sowohl unsere Produktfotos als auch die Fotos für Anzeigen, Social Media und Messematerial werden knapp 2 km von unserem Standort in Offenburg von unserer Foodfotografin (spezialisiert auf nachhaltige, faire Foodbrands) fotografiert. Authentische und ehrliche Fotografie ist Bestandteil unserer Firmenphilosophie.

Auch unsere Instagram Reels werden von unseren Marketingkolleginnen in der Schnitzer Küche gedreht. Dabei werden nur echte Zutaten verwendet, sodass die zubereiteten Speisen danach von den Kollegen und Kolleginnen gegessen und nicht weggeworfen werden.